View Source Creating Discord Bots
At the time of writing this, the most mature library I could find
for creating a Discord bot is nostrum.
Even though it looks well documented I ran into a few hitches. For one, I had to
use the version directly on github as I kept running into issues with the
crashing. I would try the version out on first but
if you're getting an error like mine, or any error at all, give this a shot in
your mix.exs
def deps do
[{:nostrum, github: "Kraigie/nostrum"}]
I'll assume you've generated a project with mix new --sup my_project
. After that
you'll need add a config/config.exs
with a few settings.
import Config
config :nostrum,
token: "<your-discord-bot-token-here>",
gateway_intents: :all
For testing, I decided to just use gateway_intents: :all
but you can fine tune this
to be more exact.
Some example code
To test it out, you can this to your application's module. I ripped this directly from their documentation so be sure to check there if this doesn't work for you.
defmodule MyBot do
use Nostrum.Consumer
alias Nostrum.Api
def handle_event({:MESSAGE_CREATE, msg, _ws_state}) do
IO.inspect msg
case msg.content do
"!sleep" ->
Api.create_message(msg.channel_id, "Going to sleep...")
# This won't stop other events from being handled.
"!ping" ->
Api.create_message(msg.channel_id, "pyongyang!")
"!raise" ->
# This won't crash the entire Consumer.
raise "No problems here!"
_ ->
# Default event handler, if you don't include this, your consumer WILL crash if
# you don't have a method definition for each event type.
def handle_event(_event) do
You'll also need to make sure you add it to your application supervisor.
use Application
@impl true
def start(_type, _args) do
children = [
MyBot #<<<< Here
opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: MyBot.Supervisor]
Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)
Lets run it!
After you've added the bot to the server (make sure to give it the correct permissions)
you can run it with iex -S mix
. You should see some output from nostrum. Hop over
to your Discord server and send the message !ping
and your bot should reply with