View Source How to contribute
Step 1 - Get Access
First you will need acces to the ElixirLearners documentation repository on Github. To get access you can contact either faroutchris or Zexanima in discord.
Step 2 - Get the documentation
After you've been granted access, clone the repository to your local machine. If you're unfamiliar with ex_doc be sure to read up on the documentation. Create a branch with;
$ git branch <my-branch-name> main
Swap to the branch;
$ git checkout <my-branch-name>
Step 3 - Test your changes
Once in your branch, create the documentation as markdown files in the folder /markdown
Be sure to check if there is a markdown file related to what you're doing and append to it. Only
create a new markdown file if something simliar doesn't exist. For instance if you're adding a
project you're working on, add it to the markdown/
file. If you do add a new file
be sure to update the mix.exs
file to include it.
# ...
def project do
app: :els_docs,
version: "0.1.0",
elixir: "~> 1.14",
start_permanent: Mix.env() == :prod,
deps: deps(),
# Docs
name: "Elixir Learners Documentation",
source_url: "",
docs: [
api_reference: false,
authors: [
"Caleb Gasser"
before_closing_head_tag: &add_mermaid_graph_support/1,
extras: [
"markdown/", # <------- Like this
# ...
Step 4 - Contribute
Don't forget to add yourself to the Contributors section if you have not already! After your finished push up your changes and create a pull request. After the changes have be reviewed and merged, it will be built and deployed to the github page. Thats it!